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Detecting Lies & Deception at Work – How To Encourage Truthful Working Environment (5th Mar 2019)

July 25, 2015 @ 8:00 am - March 13, 2025 @ 10:00 pm

There is hardly anybody who finds it palatable to be lied to—lies eat deep into our hearts and in most cases, leave us with eternal injuries. Anybody who successfully told us a lie is confidently taking us for an underserved ride. The most heartrending aspect of it is that we have all being lied to at a point or the other. In fact, research postulates that there is a probability of being lied to between two to three times in a ten-minute conversation. That is huge and shows how unimaginably deceitful people can be!

From the foregoing, it is crystal clear that we all need to be armed with the weaponry of lie detection—the main focus of this course! When you allow yourself to be incessantly deceived by people, it affects your success rate in life—you take wrong steps due to the wrong pieces of information you are being fed with and this leads to regret in most cases. The major preoccupation of this one-day well-organized course is to enlighten you on how to effortlessly identify deceitful people and their ways. Liars usually look innocent, loving and truthful on the surface level but it takes a skilled co-interlocutor to unmask their untruthfulness and understand their hidden intents. At the end of this course session, you won’t only become skilled in detecting lies, you will also be able to intelligently confront them and sort out things.

As an experienced trainer in the field, I can categorically state that lie detection is a skill that can be taught and learnt by anybody. However, remember that attention is the price you pay for distinction. If you follow my teaching sessions carefully, there is no argument about the fact that you stand to increase your lie detection accuracy by 50%-90%. It isn’t magical; it is what I’ve achieved in previous training sessions with participants from different parts of the world. More so, the training materials are masterfully sought, well-prepared and thoroughly-checked just in a bid to encompass all the societal components. Thus, no one should be left out in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

As a practical trainer with international accolades, NOTHING would be superficially discussed. With the application of widely-acknowledged Neuro-Linguistic Program (NLP), the session is expected to be fun-filled, knowledge-driven and impactful. My ultimate aim is to ensure that everyone leaves with what is worth more than they have sacrificed to attend the seminar. One can easily be fooled when one works with what one is being told rather than what one observes. That is, we must learn how to pay more attention to the body language of liars than we do to their words. You have always thought this is an exclusive right of some people? No! This course will aptly groom you on how to recognize deception through the body.

In conclusion, it is important to attend this course because uncommon indicators of lies, the complex ways of liars and multi-dimensional means of deception will all be perused. When you get hold of liars and their deceptive ways, you save money, record more gains, suffer less heartbreak, make lesser mistakes and enjoy the better part of life. Aren’t these the essence of life? This promises to be a quintessential training session that quenches your intellectual thirst!


July 25, 2015 @ 8:00 am
March 13 @ 10:00 pm
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